Growing your or your team's skills is the best way to stay in-the-know, amplify your impact on the job — and to innovate development's next solution.
We have delivered training on policymaking in conflict-affected governance situations, strengthened data collection for the disabled and civil and vital registration systems, and helped teams in a dozen countries own their advocacy, communications and influence strategies and plans.
Blending insider experience in development organizations, scholarly rigor and behavioral psychology — we view all our work in development as a way to impart skills, knowledge and confidence to help development professionals, students, organizations, and governments deliver development.
We have delivered training on policymaking in conflict-affected governance situations, strengthened data collection for the disabled and civil and vital registration systems, and helped teams in a dozen countries own their advocacy, communications and influence strategies and plans.
Blending insider experience in development organizations, scholarly rigor and behavioral psychology — we view all our work in development as a way to impart skills, knowledge and confidence to help development professionals, students, organizations, and governments deliver development.
Recent Trainings |
Gender-responsive planning, policymaking and budgeting (2018-current)
ZeroPoverty Solutions is under contract with the African Development Bank and the Ministry of Finance of the Government of South Sudan to design and conduct three multi-day workshops in Juba to guide the professional development and results of: